Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Summer time fun?

Ok so it is the middle of summer and I have decided to start my own blog on the internet. It really isn't for anybody in particular, just a way to keep people up to date and my crazy life. I probably should have started this 2 years ago when I first went to Alaska to teach. So I am a little slow, I did make an attempt to keep in touch with emails though they were few and far between.
This summer has been I guess what you could call fun or at least it started out being fun. I flew into Pittsburgh to spend the rest of my first week back in the real world with my dad. Only thing is I don't really think you can call Pittsburgh the "Real World" anymore than you can call "Newtok." Ok well there are cars and things, but Pittsburgh and cities like in their own seperate catagory. There is just too much going on for this girl who spends 3/4 of a year in a tiny village. It was fun spending the week with dad. I hung out in the hotel, went the the musuem (teachers took their students there for a field trip. There are priceless artifacts...that is just crazy). Anyway, I also got to meet "Johnny Angel" I still don't think he is the real Johnny Angel.
One day I went with dad to work. Yes I know what you are thinking, I am a little too old for the take your daughter to work day thing, but hey what else was I going to do. I was hoping to solve on of lifes great mysteries...What does my dad do for a living? My brother and I have asked the question for years, are we the Parkersburg mafia... is my dad a secret agent...Well after spending the day with my dad I have learned a few things. #1 He is not in anyway connected to the mob "shrugs" I'm not a mafia princess. #2 He does actually work. I haven't ruled out the secret agent stuff though, partially because it just sounds cool. Come on guys my dad a secret agent, if you've met him your laughing right now. :)
After my week in Pittsburgh, I was home for a week or so. That was a horrible week. It was so hot and the humidity so high not to mention the air quality in Parkersburg isn't all that good, that I ended up in the emeregeny room unable to breathe. The Dr. in his infinate wisdom said I had asthma. Who knows if he is right, but I did get some breathing treatments and an inhaler that seemed to help.
The highlight of my summer was the week I spent at the beach for church camp. I was a cook. Don't laugh, my mom is still astounded by how affenct I was. It was a good time. When you look out at the ocean, how can you not believe in God, just think it only took Him 7 days to create the whole world, and that included a day of rest. WOW!! That is what I like the most about the beach. Yes I like to play in the ocean and lay out in the sun, but the ocean really puts me in Awe of God's creation. (Before I get any concerned emails, I am always in Awe of God but there is just something about looking out and seeing how big our world is, so big that you can't even see what is beyond the horizon. You can really see the vastness of the ocean or at least get a sense of it. That is what puts me in awe. It puts things in perspective. Then I always think about my first beach retreat where Jaime had the kids write sin along the tide line. Just as they wrote it the tide came in and washed it away, just like God does with our sin. How deep is that?) Anyway, sorry about the tangent, but I think you get the picture or at least I hope you do on why I love the beach so much.
After the beach week, my summer kind of went down hill. And now let me tell you I am in a valley, a deep dark valley, that I don't think I will get out of until maybe Labor Day, when I get my next vacation.
I have now started what I like to call Black Summer. The time of the year when I spend a great deal of time in a classroom getting an education. Six hours a day 5 days a week, and another 5 hours of homework outside of class. Life as I once knew it is over. Even now as I am typing this blog, I should be doing my homework, but I'm tired and all I want to do know is sleep. So until next time....